I Raise A Hallelujah!
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal (merely human), but MIGHTY through GOD for the pulling down of strongholds (a pattern of thought or attitude- in this case ungodly)...
2 Corinthians 10:4.
So how do we continue to stand as the battle rages all around us? Emotional brokenness, relationship struggles, loved ones making really harmful choices, challenges in the workplace, increasing chaos in society…so many things attempting to derail us on our journey with Christ. Yet aren’t we thankful we are never alone! God has so graciously handed us keys to live a life here in complete and total victory. But, He leaves it up to us to discover and USE these keys! God is SO gracious that no matter how we may feel- whether we are dealing with depression, grief, anger, fear, loneliness, etc.- we can lift up our praise and worship and He WILL quiet the storm! As a faithful and loving Father, that’s just what He does for His children! So today let’s put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, that He may be glorified!…Isaiah 61:3
We hope you enjoy this video! We sure did :-)